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Look Up: There is a Big World In Front of You
September 22nd, 2016 at 8:19 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

APC Corporate 2




The world around us appears to be burning.  Our world is led by the world of technology. Looking around and I am totally amazed at the view I see: heads facing down at a device such as a mobile phone, tablet, laptop.  No one spends time looking up, straight ahead direct to contact.  Why is that?  Perhaps the many experts that speak on the media talk shows such as shows hosted by Megyn Kelly, Brook Baldwin, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Don Lemon and many other shows that talk about how bad or good things are.  There you will find an "expert" in a suit/tie or professional dress giving their awesome spin on how the perfect future president should be designed, how they would do a better job in running our country, how if they were a police officer they would handle things a certain way, better than even how the cops will do it.  Then that information soaks into the brains of the masses and then it launches into the social media world. Ingredients such as racial divide combined with terrorism attacks, with a touch of political fire fuel, we then end up with what we call "Calamity Change." In this world the stress and chaos creates the spark that creates the flames of disaster pitting the world against each other while spiraling into yet another distraction event spinning our heads into fear, dispair and sadness.  You see black vs whites, protests against our country's ways, police use of force issues combined with upcoming elections in our country and the closing in of world war III, where does that leave us?  Never fear, there is always a bright side to all this gloom.  There are great people in the world who are trying to make a difference.  There are people who want to help make things better, to protect, serve, love and defend.  I have spent over 48 years in this world and during my life time, learned a lot, still learning every day and I have been able to travel the world where I have trained some of the best officers, warfighters and corporate entities.  These people were always inspired, focused and dedicated to their training, their jobs and their family lives.  I have been able to get an assorted perspective from many of these great people and I have to say, they understand the importance of looking UP and away from their devices.  They "get it"





Your plan: Do you have a plan when things go south?  Do you work in a place that many depend on you and what actions you will take to lead your people in the right direction?  What about your home life?  Is there an immediate action plan in the event disaster strikes?  Many people I know can act under stressful situations in amazing fashion while others, who have professed to be the "hero of the day" fold under pressure when shit hits the fan.  The cycle of human behavior is a fascinating thing simply because status quo keeps a person happy in their own skin.  It is when the stress kicks up into high gear even for a moment, that people do funny and weird things.  It is easy to talk "call of duty" talk but if you have never faced a real time critical situation, how will you ever know the response you will give?  Hopefully you know yourself well enough to make a believer out of yourself first and those who care about you second.





The news media has presented so much information to society that it then flows into the "social media world" where experts come out of the wood work giving their so called professional spins on how the president should do things, how cops should do things, how multiple races should do things; hell, how even YOU should do things.  Everyone is an expert  in chaos until put into a chaotic moment.  "Calamity Change": Terrorist attacks our soil, cop shoots a black man, a pro sport figure takes a knee during the National Anthem, riots break out in one city while peaceful protests takes place in another city and suddenly everyone loses their minds. 





For you, I simply want to make sure you understand the message here:  Look up, see the person in front of you.  See the good in others while at the same time learn to have that plan in the event that sunshine turns into a thunderstorm really fast.  That device may be an asset to you but will it let you see the the real world that sits in front of you?  Know your self defense.  Know that others may depend on you for answers, help or protection.  Get Ready, Stay Ready.  Lets Go!


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